Day Eight

This morning I received another update from Dipak. He told me that along with the children's home, the church and school community are scraping together all the resources they can muster for disaster relief at this time. Drawing funding from what they have immediately available to them, they have provided rice and oil to 30 families and tents for 40 families.

As a bit of an aside, I was supposed to read a psalm this morning in Church. I hadn't looked at it before. It was Psalm 22:24-30

The second line in, I could feel the tears welling up

"For he does not despise or abhor the poor in their poverty;
neither does he hide his face from them;
But when they cry to him he hears them..."

I couldn't get through the next few lines...

"The poor shall eat and be satisfied, and those who seek the Lord shall praise him."

Knowing that in this day our devoted friends in Nepal are doing all they can to help their devastated community, I was completely overcome with emotion. So thankful for these people. This is a photo Dipak sent me this morning, here they are handing out what supplies they can to the community people. To know I have any part whatsoever in helping this happen makes me feel gratitude from the bottom of my heart.

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