Bandipur 2015 Visit

We had a fantastic time on our recent trip to Nepal, thanks to the generous outpouring of love, support and supplies for the home and the community. We spent quite a bit of time playing with the kids, who were so excited to see new toys, clothes, and activity books. We were also given medical supplies, vitamins, and materials to compile maternity kits, and we were able to distribute these to the local community. Thanks to everyone who helped donate, these supplies went right into the hands of people who needed them. We said another bittersweet goodbye and will start to think and dream about another visit in the future! 

The kids had a blast putting together a lego city thanks to generous donors from Edmonton. 

Tis the season for corn, grown on the property annually at this time of year. 

After the earthquake, Depak thought the house could use a new paint job, to symbolize a new beginning. 

There were appx. 30 homes destroyed in the Bandipur area. They are hoping to rebuild eventually, with some help from the government and private donors. In the meantime have to live in houses like this. 

Trying to piece together a 3-d puzzle. Very difficult! 

Taking a walk in the stunning Bandipur area. 

Carmen playing soccer with the kids. 

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